The Wave provision in the Hope service day programme

All young people who access our day programme are offered:

  • A personalised curriculum
  • Small groups
  • Fully qualified, multi-disciplinary staff
  • Personalised learning
  • A Keyworker
  • A Care Co-ordinator
  • A Link Teacher
  • Individual timetable
  • Off site activities
  • Community meetings
  • Youth Forum
  • Lunch
  • Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
  • Target setting and evaluation of their own learning
  • Therapies, education and activities
  • A therapeutic non-punitive approach
  • One-to-one sessions
  • Keyworker sessions
  • Assessment on entry and exit
  • Outreach and telephone support for young people and their families
  • Flexible teaching arrangements
  • Transition support
  • Extra-curricular and holiday activities
  • Outside professional visitors
  • Care plan approach (CPA)
  • Personal, social, health, education (PSHE), Maths, English, ASDAN and ICT/Computing
  • Computers in every classroom
  • Free food available in all breaks
  • Breaks between all sessions
  • Taxi provision for Key stage 3 (KS3) and KS4
  • Fully funded trips
  • Termly reports
  • Celebration evenings
  • Social nurturing during breaks
  • An initial meeting and visit prior to entry
  • Flexibility in lesson delivery responding to the young person's need
  • Focus on life skills underpinning the curriculum